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Jane from Forest Hills, Ny writes

After applying Martins IGR, how long should I wait to mop wood floors?


Mopping would remove any residual of the Martins IGR, so waiting as long as possible would be recommended. If treating something other than fleas, applying Martins IGR as a crack and crevice application along baseboards, windows, under cabinets, behind appliances, etc to get the full benefit of the residual. You may reapply ever 60 days for preventative treatments, or as needed for active infestations. If you are treating for Fleas, you do not need to apply Martins IGR to wood floors as fleas do not bed or harbor there. Concentrate your applications to carpeted areas, rugs, upholstered furniture and pet bedding.

Answer last updated on: 10/24/2016

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Martins I.G. Regulator

Martins I.G. Regulator

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