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Michael from Monroe, Ga writes

Can Tupersan 50 WP be used to kill bermuda on a creeping bentgrass green?

We have had some Bermuda pop up in our bentgrass and have heard that Tupersan can kick back the Bermuda. If this can be used what is the best way to apply and at what rate and ground temperature is the product most effective?


Tupersan 50 WP is labeled for Bermudagrass suppression into creeping bentgrass greens. Per the product label: "Greens established with creeping bentgrass may be surrounded by bermudagrass collars and aprons...The selectivity of Tupersan Herbicide can suppress the bermudagrass encroachment without injury to the bentgrass. Tupersan Herbicide can be applied as a band treatment along the perimeter of the greens to suppress the stolon growth of the bermudagrass. Use 1/2 - 1 pound of Tupersan Herbicide per 1,000 sq. ft. and apply in a 8-12 inch band with a single nozzle sprayer. Schedule the initial application during March or April and continue with subsequent applications at the same rate at 4-5 week intervals." Keep in mind that Tupersan is a pre-emergent herbicide and will not kill exisiting bermudagrass. You should also test a small area before broadcasting over a large area as not all cultivarrs of Bentgrass have been tested with Tupersan.

Answer last updated on: 12/03/2015

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