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Dennis from Linesville, Pa. writes

Can I use Criterion 75 WSP safely for fire ant mounds at the base of my plum trees?

Will the fruit be affected? Is there a safer, more organic method or insecticide available?


Criterion 75 WSP is not labeled for fire ants.  It is a systemic and would be absorbed by the roots of the plum tree and is not labeled to be applied to this type of tree.  For Fire Ants we would recommend the Extinguish Fire Ant Bait. Extinguish is a food product that the ants will be attracted to.  Although the label states to not use it near fruit bearing trees, you can apply it away from the trees in the yard and when the fire ants are out foraging for food they will find the extinguish granules and take them back to the nest

Answer last updated on: 07/08/2014

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