Product Q&A

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Ken from Lake Ariel, Pa writes

Can you use ground/powder feed in the Directional Fish/Game Feeder - Th-DX1 or do I use corn or pellets?

I want to add an external motion detector so that it will dispense when motion is detected, is their a setting in the timer to dispense without the timer, like an instantaneous feeding? I am an electrical engineer, so I have the capability to wire in the external motion detector if your timer has the ability to instantly feed upon powering up rather than on a timed basis.


Per the manufacturer, Wildgame Innovations, they recommend using corn or pellets in the Directional Fish/Game Feeder TH-DX1. They do not carry any motion detection device. They did mention that it may be possible to purchase one. For additional information, you may contact them at 800.847.8269.

Answer last updated on: 09/22/2013

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