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Nikki writes

Can you use this kit in the summer? I am confused with "Overwintering"?


You can use this kit anytime of year that you have a problem.  The products in this kit are for all pests really, but they are very good products to use specifically to keep overwintering pests out.  Overwintering pests are insects that try to get into the home in the late fall/early winter and then hide in the walls of the house and hibernate, or overwinter, until spring/summer when the adults start coming out into your home.  This kit was designed for people to use in the late fall/winter when the see overwintering pests like stink bugs, Asian beetles, boxelder bugs, etc., trying to get into the home.  This kit helps prevent a problem in the spring.  If you have the pests now, it is most likely because you did not treat in the fall.  You can purchase this kit now to take care of the issues you have now, but you should treat in the late fall/early winter so you don't have the same problem next year.

Answer last updated on: 04/26/2011

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Stink Bug Control Kit

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