Product Q&A

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Jeri from Navarre, Fl writes

Can you use this product with the nematodes for fleas together in the same area?

My yard has not been taken care of for four years, and there are ants, fleas, ticks, grubs, etc. Will these two products help with this problem as I also have three dogs to worry about.


Beneficial nematodes work by entering the body cavities of their target pests. They kill by releasing bacteria, causing an immediate death to the pests. It is perfectly safe to mix the Orcon Beneficial Nematodes (7 million nematodes) (GC-R7M) with the Orcon Fire Ant Control (7 million units) (FA-R7M).  These products are certified safe for people, pets and the environment.  

Answer last updated on: 03/03/2017

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