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Andrea from Tx writes

Cyper TC vs Cyper WP

I have purchased Cyper TC . What is the main difference between that and Cyper WP? I would like to get rid of pests such as roaches etc.


Cyper TC is strictly for outdoor use. Most commonly used for termite treatments and ant control around the perimeter. Cyper TC is a repellent, meaning it will only kill the insects that come into contact with it, while Cyper WP leaves a residual for up to 3 months and can be used inside.  Cyper WP is a wettable powder that leaves a white powder residue behind. Can be used inside as crack and crevice treatment and outdoors as a perimeter treatment. For treating roaches indoors/outdoors, Cyper WP is the better choice.

Answer last updated on: 06/19/2014

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