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Jeff from Colleyville Tx writes

Demand CS and Chapin Hose-End Sprayer... what ratio?

I would like to use the Demand CS for Mosquito Control with the hose-end sprayer but am not sure of the ratio?.. How to set the dial?


First, you need to determine how many gallons of water you will be using. To find out how many gallons of water you need to use you will calculate the square footage of the area to be treated(Dmeand CS recommend 1 gallon of mixed solution 1,000 sq feet). For instance, if you have a 6,000 square foot yard that you plan on treating then you would need to multiply 6 x 0.8 which equals 4.8 – You would then add 4.8 oz of Demand CS to the reservoir. Once you add the desired amount of Demand CS to the reservoir, then you would add water to the line selected (6 gallon line mark on the reservoir). You would then set the dial on the top of the Chapin Hose End Sprayer to 6 gallons. Do not turn water on when adjusting the spray nozzle. Next, select the desired spray pattern and then spray until the reservoir is empty.

Answer last updated on: 05/09/2014

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