Demand CS Insecticide - Questions & Answers

Displaying 101 to 120 (of 299 questions)
  • Asked by Holly from Arizona
    Is it more potent to mix Demand CS with ExciteR to kill scorpions?

    Demand CS can be mixed with ExciteR. ExciteR is a synergist and will provide a faster knockdown of the scorpions. Be sure to spray the areas where you have seen activity so that the scorpions walk through it.

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  • Asked by Fauna from Nj
    Biting gnat/noseeums infestation in every room of a large 4 floors house. What's the best plan of action?
    No idea where they are coming from. Plants and drains seem to be free of them. Tried vacuuming every other day for weeks now. Fogging didn't work, maybe got more of them via open windows? Impossible to be still anywhere. Want products as a space spray for most active areas, and for rugs, and for general cleaning. Need to be careful around kids/dogs "licking" surfaces. Can be multiple products.

    Biting midges do generally not enter structures, but midges are small enough to get through 16 mesh screens. Getting mesh screens with a higher number can keep these and other very tiny insects out of your home. Our experts recommend using a pyrethrin spray such as 565 Plus or Microcare to get rid of the adult midges in or around your home.

    Non-biting midges are attracted to lights, so it is recommended to draw your shades at night and wait as long as possible to turn on exterior lights to keep them away from your home. Using the FlyWeb Fly Light inside the home works great on flying insects inside the home.

    A great prodcut to use indoors and outdoors on your home that is safe for pets and kids once it has dried it called Onslaught. Onslaught can be used as a broadcast over carpeted areas inside the home mixing at 1oz per gallon of water. Spraying a product such as Onslaught on window screens, doors, bushes, and plants around your home can act as midge repellant to keep midges away.

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  • Asked by David from Nassau
    If I mix a gallon of Demand CS, how long will it remain effective in the bottle?

    It is highly recommended to apply mixed solution of Demand CS within 24 hours of mixing. This will make sure you are applying the freshest and most effective mixture.

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  • Asked by Jeff
    Can a surfactant be used with Demand CS?

    It is not usually required to use a surfactant with Demand CS.

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  • Asked by David from Bakersfield, Ca
    Is Demand CS the best bug spray and safe for dogs?
    I was told by a friend to use Demand CS because he loves it. But with so many options on your sight I am wondering is this the best one for me. I am trying to do all around pest control but what i see the most is black widows, June bugs, pincher bugs and daddy long legs as well as ants. I would like to know what you recommend for strength and longevity.

    Demand CS is a great general pest control and works well for spiders, earwigs, ants, mosquitoes and many others. It should be applied monthly outside and inside quarterly. It would be safe if to apply when the dogs are not present until the surfaces are completely dry. 

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  • Asked by Bill
    If drift from Demand CS gets on vegetable plants can they still be eaten?

    If back spray or drift for a Demand CS application were to get on any edibles, fruits or vegetables, they would need to be discarded and not consumed. 

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  • Asked by Sikinah from Philadelphia, Pa
    How quickly does Demand CS kill roaches and bed bugs?

    Demand CS is a residual insecticide that will continue to kill the labeled insects for an extented period of time.  However it is not a contact kill product.  It can sometimes take a few days before you start to see dead insects after making an application of the product. 

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  • Asked by Mike from Baltimore, Md
    How much Demand CS do I use in a half gallon sprayer?

    Demand CS should be mixed at 6-12 ml per one gallon of water per 1,000 sq ft per the product label, which is 3-6 mL or 0.1 – 0.4 oz per half gallon of water.

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  • Asked by Kevin from Tampa, Fl
    Is it ok to mix Gentrol IGR concentrate and Demand CS in the same gallon sprayer?
    How should I clean my gallon sprayer after the use of the products?

    Yes, you can mix Demand CS and an IGR such as Gentrol in the same tank at the same time. You would clean your equipment with water and a tank cleaner, if needed.

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  • Asked by Deborah from Richmond Hill, Ga
    Which product will work best for roaches Demand CS or Demand SC?

    There is only Demand CS, we are not aware of a Demand SC product.  One of our roach control kits would be more recommended for roach control. These professional kits includes non-staining, low odor concentrated insecticide for spraying the outside perimeter of the home and inside underneath appliances, behind cabinets, under toilets and sinks, etc. You'll also get Roach Bait Gel to help get rid of those roaches that like to hide. Baits can be applied up high in the kitchen in the corner of cabinets and in cracks and crevices in kitchens and bathrooms. The bait contains a slow-acting poison that attracts and kills feeding roaches, who also spread the bait to other roaches by contact or by sharing food. Finally, an Insect Growth Regulator is offered which will stop roaches from laying eggs, helping to halt the infestation. The combination of an IGR with roach bait is a highly effective roach control strategy that is widely used by pest control professionals. The insecticide must be applied with a 1 gallon pump sprayer.

    Here is a link to a great article that really goes into depth in explaining a roach control program:

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  • Asked by Dave from Winnemucca, Nv
    The ph of my water is 7.5 do I need to use a buffering agent when mixing with Demand CS?
    It specifies a ph of 5 to 7 in the tank mixing Instructions (Turf and Ornamental Dilutions) on the product label. I use the product for perimeter treatments on the outside and inside baseboards of structures.

    The manufacturer recommends that you use a buffering agent when the pH is not between 5-7 per the product label instructions when applying Demand CS.

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  • Asked by Shane from Baldwin
    Can I mix Demand CS and also Exciter in a fogger for mosquito control?

    Demand CS and Exciter can be mixed together for mosquito control for use in a pump sprayer. Demand CS is not labeled for use inside of a fogger.

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  • Asked by Merle
    I've heard that Demand CS will stop the fall invasion of the Asian Beetles from entering into our buildings. Is this true?

    Demand CS is labeled for a variety of insects, including Asian Beetles. The key is to treat early enough (early fall) and to apply the product in the right places. Asian beetles enter the structure through cracks and crevices, especially around windows and doors. Be sure to treat these areas thoroughly once a month through November. Please click on the product label for detailed instructions on application.

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  • Asked by John from Clarksville, Tn
    Will Demand CS harm chickens if they come into contact or if they eat bugs that have been killed by Demand CS?

    We would recommend that you keep animals out of the area while Demand CS is wet. Once the product is dry, it is safe for pets/animals to return back to the area. There is such a small amount of the active ingredient that actually gets on the bugs before they die that it will not affect any animals that consume the dead bugs.

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  • Asked by Alma
    How soon do you vacuum after using Demand CS for carpet beetles?

    Demand CS is not labeled to be used across open carpeted areas.  For inside the home, Demand CS is labeled to spray along baseboards, crack and crevices, and under appliances which is great for most insects but not for carpet beetles.   Please take a few minutes to read our How to Control Carpet Beetles article for an in depth explanation of how to control this pest.  It is very important that the source of the infestation (where the damaging larva is harboring) is discovered and eliminated, not just the visible adult insects you see wandering around. Until you find out what that is and deal with it you will continue to get more of the carpet beetles emerging from hiding.

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  • Asked by Laurie from Port Saint Lucie, Fl
    What is the best treatment for the lawn and outside of house for ticks?
    We have used Talstar outside of our house and windows to keep ticks out. We are having our yard sprayed and they are using Talstar and a mix of products but I still have ticks. My dog is covered in them and I have him on preventative also we have dipped him in Happy jack II. I have put the Preventix collar on him and have picked off ticks, washed and dipped every ten days. I need a product to knock them down and kill them. I have also used diatomaceous earth. But they keep coming back. The only relief we had was when winter came and they all went away. I wonder if I need to remove my dog for a while until this problem is resolved. I wish there was a product that just worked on contact and that they didn't come back.
    Talstar (and we hope they are adding an insect growth regulator such as Archer IGR to the product mix you mentioned) should do a great job for you. If you wanted to use something with a little more strength you could try Demand CS or its generic Equil Lambda CS. These products contain lambda-cyhalothrin and they are micro-encapsulated which makes them last a little longer on outdoor surfaces. You should remember that ticks may be hidden in tall or dense brush so higher treatment volumes may be needed to treat the entire plant, not just the top side of the plant where it is easiest to spray. You should try to get the application on the underside of leaves and all the way to the bottom of the plant. When you are dealing with an area that has a high tick population you may be required to treat once a month from spring through to the first frost, no matter what product you use. The problem on your property may be that ticks are being reintroduced into the area on a consistent basis by wildlife such as deer, raccoons or birds. You will be required to use non-chemical means to reduce the tick population in addition to insecticides. As with most pests you can modify the environment on your property to make it less favorable to ticks. Keeping grass and weeds cut short in tick infested areas increases tick death during hot weather, discourages wildlife and will reduce the amount of vegetation which may need a pesticide application to kill ticks. Clear away yard debris such as old firewood or leaf piles. Remove old or abandoned bird nests and rodent nests. Patch fences where wildlife may be gaining access to your property. It may also be helpful to have the ticks identified. By identifying the type of ticks you can better understand what type of animals may be bringing them to your property and you can modify the environment to make it less favorable for that host animal. You can contact your local cooperative extension office to request an insect identification.
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  • Asked by Susan from Austin, Tx
    Can you store Demand CS in a hot garage?
    I live in central Texas where the summer temps can reach over 100 degrees for several weeks in a row. What effect will the extreme heat have on Demand CS if I store it in my garage, which is not insulated?
    Extreme heat will eventually degrade Demand CS. We recommend that you find a secure location in your home such as a utility closet or laundry room where you can store the sealed bottle out of reach of children.
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  • Asked by Bob from Qu
    Do you ship to Canada?

    Unfortunantly, we are not currently set up to ship to Canada. Our apologies for any inconveniences this may cause.

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  • Asked by Ervin from Belize
    CanIi spray Demand Cs when the weather is yucky and rain off and on?
    if i spray DemandCS just before it rains will the rain wash the chemicals off ?
    You should wait to apply Demand CS on a day when rain is not expected. The product cannot adhere to wet surfaces and rain would wash it away if the application had not had a chance to dry before the rain came.
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  • Asked by Andrew
    Can Demand Cs be used outside in Cold weather?
    During what type of temperatures should I not use Demand CS outside around the perimeter of the home.
    As long as it is not freezing outside you can safely use Demand CS outdoors. Since the product is water based trying apply it in below freezing temperatures would not yield positive results.
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Displaying 101 to 120 (of 299 questions)