Product Q&A

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Eileen from Ma writes

Does Fertilome All Seasons lawn product work well in Massachusetts. Does it kill Japanese bamboo, dandelions?

does it kill clover?


Yes, Ferti-Lome For All Seasons Lawn Food Plus Crabgrass and Weed Preventer will work well in Massachusetts. Be aware that it is a pre-emergent and will not work if the weeds are actively growing. Ferti-Lome For All Seasons Lawn Food Plus Crabgrass and Weed Preventer is labeled for clover, dandelion, and many other weeds. It is not labeled for bamboo. You can use Round Up QuickPro at the highest listed usage rate to help eliminate bamboo. You will be required to cut the bamboo down to a short stump and then apply the Round Up QuickPro. It can take several applications to achieve the desired results. You should contact your local cooperative extension office and speak to the master gardener on staff to see if you will be required to till your yard or if you can seed and fertilize only.

Answer last updated on: 05/11/2013

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