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Kristina from Jacksonville, Fl writes

Does the Cyper WP kill fleas?

Inside and outside? Is it safe for pets?


Yes, Cyper WP is labeled to kill fleas and it's safe to use inside and outside. It can only be used on baseboards, cracks and crevices inside your home. The 1 lb jar has been discontinued though but we do have Cyper WSP or Demon WP available, these products are also safe on pets. I would, however, recommend our Outdoor/Indoor Flea kit. You can use both, Onslaught insecticide and Martins IGR, in broadcast applications inside and out. Meaning you can use it on your carpet as well for a more thorough treatment. Both products are also safe for everyone as long as you follow the label instructions and let the area being treated completely dry before letting everyone come back into that area, including your pets.

Answer last updated on: 05/26/2015

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