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Jeff from Lehighton, Pa writes

Evergreens are sick. Spruce trees mainly. needles curl up, yellow,& drop off.

NE Pennsylvania. a few years ago our lush huge evergreens started dieing. Easily 35 feet tall. Sprayed them with Seven, I had a 'professional' spray them but they just kept getting worse.Now 2 are dead. End of last summer I noticed other evergreens are showing similar problems. I called everyone under the sun. Nobody had an idea. Neighbor down the block has it too. Please help


Unfortunately we don't have a way to diagnose the problem with the tree, we can only tell you how to treat the tree once you know what type of Dias or insect pest you are dealing with. Have you contacted your local dept of agriculture for help? The are usually very helpful in letting you know what is harming plant life in any given region.

Answer last updated on: 04/12/2013

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