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Joy writes

I have an 8000 gallon man made pond. How much GreenClean per 1000 gallons? How often can I put it in?

The pond is in the AZ sun much of the day and algae can grow fast. How much should I use as a preventative?


The label states for high algae growth you should use between 2 and 10 Tablespoons per 1000 gallons of water.  On the first treatment you would probably want to use the 10 tablespoons per 1000 gallons of water if growth is high.  The label just says to re-treat as needed, just do not re-treat within 48 hours of the last treatment.  Environmental conditions determine how fast the algae re-grows and how often you will need to treat.  The label does state that after you treat initially with the up to 10 tablespoons that for maintenance you should use between 1 and 3 tablespoons per 1000 gallons of water.

Answer last updated on: 06/04/2011

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