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Daniel from Fostoria,oh. writes

I have carpenter bees and want to use your Delta Dust and puffer,how much should I apply to each hole?

I've had the holes sprayed by a local exterminater and he has been here four times and is not having much luck.Wil the Delta Dust kill the larve in the nest?


Yes, Delta dust will kill larvae too. At night when they are not active, go up to the opening and place the end of the duster directly in or up to the hole where they are going in and out.  Puff twice from your hand duster directly into the hole.  Then back the duster away about 5 inches and puff once directly at the hole to cover the sides and around it.  Then walk away.  When the bees come out the next morning and land on the siding to go in and out of the hole, they will bring the dust on their bodies back into the nest.  Typically, this process can take a few days depending on the size of the colony.  One important note is that you should only fill your hand duster about 1/4 of the way.  You will not need that much dust, and you have to leave enough space in the duster for air to force the dust out.

Answer last updated on: 08/14/2013

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