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Fay from Houston, Tx writes

Have fleas for 18 months. I have no pet. How to get rid of it?

I have been using pest control company to spray with Precor IGR and Nygard (liquid) in the house every 2-3 weeks but not working. In between, I vacuum the house 2-3 time daily and spray with Alpine aerosol, but I still have fleas. People recommend me to use Precor IGR and mix with Demize, and some other people recommend to use mix of Precor IGR and Permethrin SFR. Which combination is more effective? How often to spray the house with the chemical? Or do you have a better suggestion? Thanks.


We apologize but we cannot make a recommendation to you upon evaluating what information you have provided. After all of the treatments with the products you have mentioned, after the professionals coming in, the vacuuming daily and the lack of pets, we do not feel that you have fleas in your home. Can you send us a picture of the insect or describe what it looks like? We highly suggest getting a sample of the insect on a glue board and take it to your local cooperative extension office to have an Entomologist who is trained in the biology of insects to identify what you have. At that point, we can try to make a suggestion for treatment.

Answer last updated on: 01/04/2014

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