Product Q&A

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Mary from Fla writes

I have white fly in my ficus bushes and I am looking for a systemic insecticide to treat ficus.


You will need to use a product that contains imidacloprid such as Adonis 2F to treat systemically for whitefly on ficus. It can take several weeks for the Adonis to translocate through the plant. We recommend using a product with an active ingredient that is different than the soil drench for a foliage application while you are waiting for the Adonis to translocate through the ficus. Talstar P is the most popular choice for foliage applications on ficus for white fly. Please take a few moments to read a previous Q&A which explains in detail how to measure your ficus to determine how much product you will need and also how to apply the product: Q&A.

Answer last updated on: 01/03/2012

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