Product Q&A

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Jesse from Sarita, Tx writes

How much water and Hi Yield 2, 4-D do I use for 1000 acres?


Per the Hi Yield 2, 4-D Product Label: In pastures and rangeland: Use 3 to 4 oz. in 1 to 3 gallons of water per 1,000 sq. ft. 
On Ornamental Turf: Use 16 oz. in 1 to 8 gallons of water per 2,725 sq. ft. or 2 gallons in 15 to 50 gallons per Acre.
DO NOT apply at wind speed greater than 15 mph or temperatures above 90 degrees F.  So you will be using roughly 30-50 gallons of water and using about 2 gallons of concentrate per Acre.

Answer last updated on: 03/20/2016

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