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Marco from Altadena, Ca writes

How often do I need to use CoreTect ?

In order to prevent future infestation of Aphids in my Deodar cedar, how often should I apply CoreTect ? How do I find out if my tree has drip line feeder roots or near the main trunk feeder roots ?


While Coretect is not designed as a “preventative” treatment, if you follow the label for amount of tablets needed for the particular plant, the Coretect can stay in the plants system and treat for up to 2 years. The exact time will vary so keeping a watchful eye on the plant for any pest activity is going to help determine the longevity of the product in the plant/area. We recommend contacting a local master gardener or arborist to either come look at the plant, or to see if they know off hand the root area of the given plant.

Answer last updated on: 12/04/2012

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