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Francisco from Indio Ca writes

how to do a german roach treatment on a above ground trailers

i have a friend that lives in a trailer im going to do treatment on it he has a serious german roach problem inside the cabinets what would you recomend to use im thinking using cb80 for instant kill or delta dust what would you friend wants me to spray once a month after the treatment has been done im thinking of using suspend or masterline for treating the indside for a monthly service


Using CB80 or any product like it is NOT going to get rid of the infestation. It will only push them further throughout the home as you will not be able to hit every single one as they come out. The BEST and most thorough way to get rid of the entire population that is there is to use a combination of a spray, a bait, and a birth control. The birth control will probably be the biggest factor as this will halt the growth of the infestation by keeping the adults from reproducing. We highly recommend using one of our Roach Control Kits as this will give you all three items you need to accurately treat. Also, if there is a roach problem, there are going to be sanitary problems that will have to be addressed and fixed as well. If the conditions do not change to keep access of other foods, water and garbage away from the roaches, the products you use will only make a dent in the population that is currently there. You need products that will get back to the colony site that you dont see. The roaches that are in the cabinets and out in the open are only 10% of the population that is actually there. I would recommend using the New York Roach Control Kit because it has the strongest bait gel and watch the video on how to apply the gel for the optimom results. You can also reference our article on How To Get Rid Of Roaches for other tips in your treatment.

Answer last updated on: 06/09/2013

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