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Alberto writes

Is Bor-Ram effective against the wood wasp?

I recently built a wooden house on the beach. I am looking for a product that will immunize the whole house, so I do not have to worry about any pests. I would like to know if this product is also effective against the wood wasp since it is not mentioned in the advertisement.


Bor-Ram has not been tested for wood wasps, so we can not say definitively if it work to kill them. We will say that in almost every case the wood wasps were already in the wood when it was used to build the structure. Once the larva matures and emerges, the new adults will not re-infest the wood. Wood wasps cause only minor cosmetic damage and are not a threat to the soundness of a structure. In homes where infested lumber has been used, usually only a small number of wasps emerge (less than 10) and they usually die soon after because conditions are not favorable inside a home for their survival. There is not a product that will stop your home from ever getting any pests in the future. Using Bor-Ram will protect the wood in your home from certain types of termites, carpenter ants, certain types of wood destroying beetles, fungi (rot) and  algae. Other pests that do not infest wood or wood products would not be effected by the Bor-Ram.

Answer last updated on: 01/26/2011

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