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Ron from Los Angeles, Ca writes

Is there a specific need for a diaphragm pump backpack sprayer (vs piston pump) for insecticides?

I have been researching backpack sprayers. I've read elsewhere that if one is expecting to spray wettable solids that a diaphragm pump model backpack sprayer is needed, because solids will quickly damage a piston pump model backpack sprayer. Is there a specific need to use a diaphragm pump backpack sprayer for any of the insecticide / pesticide products sold on DMOPC (such as Chapin 64800, 63900, or Solo 475) because any of the products sold here are wettable solids? (I'm guessing the reason this is an issue particular to backpack sprayers is that they have to physically "lift" / move the product, versus the mechanics of a standard pump sprayer, like the B&G and others.)


While wettable powders can be used in piston type sprayers,  it is possible they could clog the sprayer if allowed to settle. If you know the main products you will be using are wettable powders it would be wise to choose the sprayer best suited to your needs like a diaphram type pump sprayer.

Answer last updated on: 03/14/2016

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