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Van from Tulsa, Okla. writes

Merit 75 WP for use on Orchids for scale

I have a small hobby greenhouse growing mostly Orchids and a few tropical's. I found scale on my Staghorn Ferns and has started to spread to a few Orchids. (very few found so far, but I want to stay ahead of this) I got some advice at the Tulsa Orchid Society meeting, they suggested getting some Bayer Systemic Rose care. My question is, can I use the liquid as a spray on the roots & foliage? Or should it only be used as a drench? I have 150+ plants and several are mounted which will make it difficult to soak the roots without getting the foliage wet. I also have some Merit 75WP, would this be a better product to use & can it be sprayed on the foliage? I don't want to kill off my orchids to get rid of the scale. Thank you, Van Curtis


The Merit 75 WP label does give instructions for applying over 1000 sqft area when treating flowers and ground covers.  Apply as a broadcast treatment and incorporate into the soil before planting or apply after plants are established. If application is made to established plants, optimum control will be attained if area is irrigated thoroughly after application. The Merit 75 WP would be stronger than the Bayer Systemic Rose Care but has the same active ingredient, Imidacloprid.  The label does not specify that it safe for orchids though, so we would recommend confirming with Bayer that it would be safe to apply to them.  Bayer can be reached at 1-800-331-2867.

Answer last updated on: 02/09/2015

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