Product Q&A

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David from Phoenix, Az writes

Must you water Snapshot in in ALL conditions?

I live in a desert climate - Phoenix. Is the issue with watering in to keep it in place without blowing away... or is there some sort of negative chemical change that occurs due to sunlight? I ask because I have used the product for 2 1/2 years now, and one time I DID NOT water it in due to the large size of my yard and the fact that predicted rain did not happen. Didn't get rain for 2 months. 8 months later the yard is still weed free. It seems to have worked fine. Comments?


Pre-emergents including Snapshot should always be watered in (so that it can reach the soil level) to help stop the weeds from germinating. If they are not watered in or applied with water (using a water dispersible granule), they will treat weeds you are targeting.

Answer last updated on: 06/12/2014

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