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Dennis from Near Sa writes

Need to get rid of Dallis grass in bermuda lawn. Should I mix Revolver w/ another herbicide to apply?

how much per gallon?


Because dallisgrass is a perennial plant, persistence is required to kill it with cultural practices. In lawn areas the clumps can be removed by digging. Mowing the turfgrass will not remove dallisgrass, but when turfgrass is mowed at its optimum height, it is better able to resist an invasion of this weed. The Revolver Herbicide label does not indicate using any additional surfactants or herbicides when treating for Dallisgrass.  Dallisgrass Suppression: Revolver used in late summer or early fall will provide suppression of dallisgrass when used in spot treatments. Use Revolver Herbicide at 1.5 – 2.0 fl oz of product per gallon of water and spray to wet followed 7– 14 days later with an additional spot treatment. If regrowth occurs a third application may be necessary.

Answer last updated on: 02/15/2015

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Revolver Selective Herbicide

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