Product Q&A

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Charlie from North Carolina writes

I recently purchased Bifen IT for mosquito control.

I plan to use a fogging attachment on my lawn blower to apply the product. Can you provide me the dilution ratio or application rate per 1,000 SQ FT?


Bifen IT can only be applied in spray form when applying for insects. Hand pump and backpack sprayers, hose-end sprayers and motorized "mist blowers" like the Solo 451 can be used to apply the Bifen and similar insecticides. Bifen can not be used in any type of fogging equipment whether thermal/propane, ULV or fogging attachment. In any of the approved applicators, you would mix Bifen at the rate of 1 ounce per gallon of water to roughly every 1000 sq/ft. Please let us know if you have any other questions.

Answer last updated on: 06/19/2013

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