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Marisa from United States writes

St Augustine Grass Dying

Our St. Augustine grass is dying all of the time. A lawn care person told us it was mole crickets so we tried to use bifen and bifenthren. We sprayed it once a month which worked at first but now it is dying agian. It looks like the roots are dying in 2ftx2ft patches. Some of the grass can survive but it seems to die at the roots. We have tried replacing it (onece a year and then it dies in the same or similar spot again), using fungus control, Scotts weed and feed. Do you have any idea? We need serious help! We can't figure out what is wrong!


It sounds like you are taking all the right steps to pin point this pest. However, there are so many varieties of pest and lawn disease out there. We want to make sure to recommend the products that will stop your St. Augustine from dying. We recommend contacting Your Local Cooperative Extension Office and speaking with the Master Gardener to whom can help make an identification. Once an identification has been made we can certainly make the right recommendation for you.

Answer last updated on: 07/17/2013

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