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Donald from California writes

Talstar comment questions and concerns

I read two comments that concern me. One is that Bifen is not as versatile as Talstar and that Talstar doesn't seem to break down in the desert heat. Bifen XTS is obviously more potent than Talstar so how could this be? Aside from active ingredients are these two not basically the same?


There are only a few similarities between Bifen XTS and Talstar P. They both contain the same active ingredient Bifenthrin, treat over 75 types of insects, and both work as a repellent.  Bifen XTS is oil based meaning it is only to be used outside the home because it holds up better in the elements. Bifen XTS is water resistant and can withstand UV Rays for 4-8 weeks outside. Talstar P is water based meaning it can be used indoors and outdoors. Inside Talstar P is used as a crack and crevice treatment and will leave a 90 day residual. Outside the home TalstarP can be used as ant mound treatments, as a broadcast spray over the entire yard, or as a perimeter treatment up against the structure.

Answer last updated on: 03/02/2015

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