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Don from Ringgold, Ga writes

We have what I think are pavement ants, very dark color and about 1/8 in. long.

We are seeing very small ants in our kitchen, on the counters and the floor. For the last several months we have had a local pest control company come spray the interior of the house each month, but we continue to see these small black ants. What is best way to treat this infestation -- we have no idea where they are getting into the house or if they are nesting somewhere in the house (or crawl space beneath the house.)


For complete ant control we would recommend a 2 part treatment plan. The first is to apply both a sugar based bait like Maxforce FC Ant Bait Gel along with a protein based bait like Advance 375A Select Ant Bait Granules inside where ant activity is most prevelant. It is very important to use protein and sugar baits because ants are moody eaters and will forage after a specific nutrient based on what they are lacking nutritionally. If you only use one or the other then bait acceptance may take longer than normal because you would have to wait for their dietary requirements to change. Secondly, we recommend performing an outdoor perimeter treatment with a non repellant like Termidor. Chances are that the ants in your house actually have their nest outside where they travel back and forth for food and water. So, since they live outside, it makes sense to control them there. Termidor SC can be applied above ground to the exterior foundation walls of your house, creating a treated area of protection for excellent ant control. Termidor is unique because ants not directly exposed to the Termidor-treated area will be controlled as they come into contact with affected ants. This Transfer Effect means you'll see its effects on ants in one to three days, and most species will be controlled within the first week following the treatment.

Answer last updated on: 02/07/2014

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Maxforce FC Ant Bait Gel

Maxforce FC Ant Bait Gel

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