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Dan from Evansville, Wi writes

What is the best time of year for Merit 75 WP soil drench for Japanese beetles?

Have 2 large lindens being eaten by Japanese Beetles. We are having grub control put down. For Merit, what is the best time to put that down, I read whenever the trees are growing but is there a time that is best, spring, summer, fall? Also they seem to be liking a new Elm we just planted, very young tree, will Merit be OK on that?


Japanese Beetles feed on grass roots until late September when cool soil temperatures cause larvae to move downward into the soil to overwinter. Development is completed the following spring. One generation occurs each year. It is important to start treatment prior to egg hatch. For optimum control when apply Merit 75 WP, irrigation or rainfall needs to occur within 24 hours of the application to move the product through the thatch layer and into the soil. Please refer to the product label for complete application instructions. You can contact your local cooperative extension office to see when egg hatch normally occurs in your region.   

Answer last updated on: 07/17/2015

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