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Kell from Ohio writes

What is the difference between 4 the Birds Gel versus the spray?

How long are these products supposed to last before reapplying. Can the birds get stuck in the gel and die? I can spray evergreen bushes later in the Spring?


The 4 the birds product, liquid or gel, does not kill the birds.  It makes the surface that birds like to land on sticky, or tacky, and birds do not like their feet on something sticky.  It merely deters them from landing and "hanging out" on surfaces that you apply it to.  The product is made in a liquid that turns tacky once it has time to set and dry, or in a caulk tube in a gel form.  Pest control professionals usually have a preference on how they would like to apply it.  It is made in both forms based on the preference of the applicator.  You can apply it to trees or bushes as long they are not in bloom or fruit bearing.

Answer last updated on: 05/03/2012

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