Product Q&A

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Robert from Las Cruces, New Mexico writes

What is the product ( or way) to kill yucca? This is a very hard plant to get rid of.

I have 2.5 acres and have lots of yuccas. I have tried every thing I know.


Yes, you are right! Yucca is very tough! First you want to cust the plant down as much as possible. Then  you can apply a stump remover like Fertilome Brush and Stump killer. It will take 1-6 weeks to kill the root system. You will still have to do your part by removing the stump. Fertilome Brush and Stump Killer will kill the root system and make the stump stop sprouting but it does not make the stump disappear. The exact wording on the product label is "To kill Stumps and prevent sprouting, apply the undiluted product with a paint brush or backpack sprayer to completely cover the freshly cut surface. Do not reuse paint brush. Wrap in several layers of newspaper and discard in trash."

Answer last updated on: 08/06/2014

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