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Derrick from District Heights writes

When do you apply CoRon to the lawn and will it green up the lawn?


You can apply the CoRon 28-0-0 Fertilizer any time the lawn is in need of a boost of nitrogen throughout the season. The high nitrogen will help the lawn with growth and some green up, but if you have a product with a fairly high nitrogen plus Iron, you will see more green up and health in the lawn. You could either go with the other version of CoRon, the 18-3-6 which has a high nitrogen but also some of your other needed lawn nutrients as well as Iron, or you could go with one granular product that has them both in one as well like the Ferti-lome Lawn Food Plus Iron 24-0-4.

Answer last updated on: 05/24/2015

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CoRoN 28-0-0 Liquid Fertilizer

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