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Olivia writes

Why did more bees show up after I sprayed Tri Die?

I have a little front porch with a roof that covers the entryway. I went outside to spray this in pretty much all the cracks (with the little clear tube that comes with it) and esp. sprayed where I have seen bees hovering around. I sprayed where the exterior wall meets the roof and mostly around the cracks nearest to the doorway. I went to mow the lawn after, and then came back to the front door when I was done and there were two big beefy wasps buzzing and hovering around the porch! And no there is a big carpenter bee too! I don't know if maybe I sprayed a nest? I really don't know how/why they could be attracted to it, but is that possible? I know it sounds silly but I have no idea what the heck is going on now lol. Any advice/thoughts?


It sounds most likely that they are not attracted to the Tri Die. Instead you probably sprayed the areas they like to nest and now they cannnot enter so they are just hovering near the areas they used to go into.

Answer last updated on: 04/24/2014

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