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Mike from Willards, Maryland writes

Why is this product unsafe to spray on clothes, yet you can spray it directly on dogs & horses?

Several of the answers imply this product is not safe for human skin (even after drying on clothing), but you can DIP dogs in it, and spray it directly on horses??? What exactly makes this so dangerous to humans, yet so benign to all other mammals?


The formulation of Permethrin SFR is different from the products that can be used on clothing. The manufacturer did extensive testing on all of the ways this product can be used. If it is not on the label, we would not recommend using it that way. The active ingredient in the amount of solution being used on dogs and/or horses is safe per the regulations given so that is why it is labeled to be used on them.

Answer last updated on: 04/29/2015

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Permethrin SFR 36.8%

Permethrin SFR 36.8%

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