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Jennifer from Lexington, Nc writes

Will Catchmaster Easy Set Mouse Snap Traps get rid of voles and keep them away?

Our yard is approximately 1 acre. We have Zoysia grass and many flower beds. I noticed we had moles in the spring and I understand voles will use their tunnels and move around from there. I have tried everything I have read about on the internet. My latest effort has been placing Kaput in as many holes as I can find and spraying the yard with castor oil. I have recently dug up most of my smaller plants and am tilling all of the beds. I hope to scare them off by destroying their tunnels and hopefully churn up a few bodies(I know that is awful to say but I am so devastated over the loss of so many plants and frustrated at the time and effort I have given to this. I am making headway but have a way to go. I know they will come back if I don't keep up the fight. What do you recommend?


Actually, mice snap traps like the Catchmaster Easy Set Mouse Snap Trap would be a great addition to the Kaput Rat and Mouse Bait.  You would want to put the snap traps directly down into the tunnels where they are traveling.

Answer last updated on: 10/17/2016

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