Product Q&A

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Fred from Scottsdale, Az writes

Will Monterey Magnify Activator kill all plants on the ground? I want a defoliant.


The Monterey Magnify Activator is not a soil sterilizer or plant killer. It is a product that is a form of an adjuvant to be mixed with other herbicide and similar products to increase coverage and penetration of the product you are using through the waxy surface and cuticle of the plant. If you are looking for a product that will kill any plant you spray it on you can use a product like RoundUp QuikPro which is the strongest glyphosate product you can get. It will only kill the plants you spray directly with it. If you are wanting to create a bare ground area where it kills everything currently growing and prevents anything from growing in that area for at least a year, you can go with a soil sterilizer like Pramitol 25E. Any time you use a soil sterilant be very careful to not have any drift or runoff as it can leach through the soil sometimes to kill neighboring vegetation that may be desirable.

Answer last updated on: 11/03/2015

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