Product Q&A

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Chris from Houston, Tx writes

Would it ok to use Honor Guard PPZ Fungicide on our water oak?

It was suggested by our arborist, but we don't know at what rate?


Honor Guard PPZ Fungicide with 14.3% Propiconazole is labeled for treating Tubakia dryina on Oak trees, at the following rate:  Mix 16 fl. oz. of Honor Guard PPZ in 100 gals. of water and apply as a full coverage spray to the point of drip. Apply every 14-28 days, beginning when conditions are favorable for disease development. For Douglas fir needle rust, apply once in May. For tip blight, initiate applications in mid-late winter, and apply 3 times at 2-month intervals. Please read and follow the label accordingly.

Answer last updated on: 01/27/2017

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