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William from Seattle,wa writes

I am currently using Advion Gel all over my 360 sq ft apartment along with 10 Gentrol discs and Ortho Home def

My German Roach infestation was never large but I think I brought it home in produce a couple years ago.Before that I hadn't seen roaches.I am currently using Advion Gel all over my 360 sq ft apartment along with 10 Gentrol discs,Boric Acid everywhere my cat can't get too and Ortho Home Defense along perimeter baseboards.I have discontinued cooking meals and drinking water at home for the last week and have seen many dead roaches.I have decreased clutter and moved pretty much everything out of my cupboards into garbage cans that ive sealed with duct tape. I am no longer seeing babies and still see about 1-2 roaches a day.I know there can be eggs still to hatch so what else can I do to fortify my attack?I can only really use methods that wont harm my cat but if need be I can move him some where else.Is there anything or anymore preemptive strikes I can utilize.I have a coupon Laborbugs5 can you get back to me before it expires please.


First, be sure not to spray where you are baiting. Understand that it is a process and takes many weeks. You want to continue to bait with Advion once a week. Here are a few quick tips for roach control. Also, if possible put the cat food up at night. This will increase the attractiveness of the roaches to the bait.

Answer last updated on: 08/31/2014

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