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John from Carson, Va writes

Can the Repels-All Liquid Concentrate be used under a carport to keep birds from trying to nest?

I do not really mind the birds so much, am really trying to stop them from making a big mess on the vehicles. With this help them to seek other to locate? I believe the birds are blue birds btw.


Yes birds are listed on the the Repels-All Liquid Concentrate label.  It repels in three ways, by sense of touch, taste, and smell. Offers the most comprehensive animal repellent on the market.  The unique blend of ingredients in REPELS-ALL causes mild irritation to animal's nasal passages but does not harm the animal, it drives them away, naturally.  

Answer last updated on: 05/25/2017

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Repels-All Liquid Concentrate

Repels-All Liquid Concentrate

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