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Godfrey from Noble, Oklahoma writes

Can you mix Pendulum and Remedy herbicides together in a sprayer to spray a pasture?

I've got 40 acres of virgin weed pasture that has Johnson grass, sumac, berry vines, etc and trying to kill all in order to plant bermuda grass at a later date. Wanting to spray only once and get all weeds and vines. What would you recommend? I heard Pendulum and Remedy Herbicides work great. Can I mix them together and spray? Thank you.


Pendulum 3.3 and Remedy Ultra Herbicides can certainly be mixed together and applied at the same time. Keep in mind that Pendulum is a pre emergent and is normally only applied in spring and fall at specific times for your area to get the longest lasting result and prevent new weeds from coming up the next season. The Remedy since its a post emergent will need to be applied when the weeds and vines and target plants are still in an actively growing state to allow for the full effects of the product to take place. Remedy contains Triclopyr which is one of the top ingredients used for killing unwanted weeds and brush in pasture areas. Be sure to use a sufficient water volume to completely cover the target plants in product and to reduce the need for reapplication. Some trees/brush/viens may require a second application with Remedy if they are well established and mature in growth. On average you should be using 1-2 gallons of water per 1000 sq/ft and then mixing the correct amount of product per those labels into that water amount for the area.  Keep in mind the Pendulum is not labeled for use where animals graze.

Answer last updated on: 06/12/2017

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