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I. from Parsippany,nj writes

Do I need to reapply brush killer?

Sassafrasse bushes(mini trees) sprouted all over our backyard-even into back lawn. Used the brush killer 11day ago.Will need to re-apply because many are still not wilting. Do I need to re-apply to the ones that are wilting, also? I don't know if after another 11 days, will I need to dig out the roots? There are over 100 of these.


Any time you are using brush killer, you should allow at least 14 days for the herbicide to be absorbed and to start seeing results. You do not need to reapply to areas where you are already seeing damage from the herbicide. When treating cut stumps, it is best to treat with the herbicide you are using immediately after cutting the stumps. Most brush killers will be applied undiluted to the cut stumps. Please let us know if we can further assist you.

Answer last updated on: 09/02/2016

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