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Amanda from Waco writes

I have a flea infestation! my boyfriend sprayed demon wp all overly apartment, floors, carpet and linoleum.

I have an eight month old baby. I've vacuumed and swept, but everyone in the house has the sneezes, is that because of the pesticide? I know it's not approved for indoor use, aside from crack and spot treatment.... which I read following his spraying.. is everything okay?


Since Demon Wp was applied outside of label. We recommend that you contact the manufacturer Syngenta at 1-800-334-9481. You are correct that Demon can only be applied to cracks and crevices indoors. A better flea spray would be Alpine Flea Insecticide.

Answer last updated on: 08/31/2014

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Demon WP Insecticide

Demon WP Insecticide

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