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Diane from Westfield, In writes

How do I kill chipmunks around my home?

We have a bumper crop of chipmunks and they are making holes all around my foundation and destroying my flowers (by digging around the roots). I have a dog so I don't want to put anything on ground level that will harm her. I even found a dead chipmunk inside my car and have no idea why or how it got there but I didn't like it.


There are no baits (poisons) on the market that are labeled for chipmunks. We recommend you read the following article to learn more about eliminating them from your property: How to Get Rid of Chipmunks. This will explain in detail what you can do to get rid of the pests you have now and how you can modify your property to make it less favorable to future pests.

Answer last updated on: 06/14/2014

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