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Keith writes

How do I use Merit 75 WP for emerald ash borer control on two trees?

I have been told by your expert that Merit 75 WP is the product to use as a drench for protecting 2 trees that I have from the emerald ash borer. What quantities, and what dilution rate do I need for a tree that is 10 to 12 inches in diameter?


The Merit 75 WP product label is one of the most confusing of all the products that we sell.  You need 1.4 level teaspoons of Merit per inch of diameter. This is the highest rate and should be used for all boring insects. The amount of water that is used will vary depending on soil conditions and volumes that are easy for applicators to use. The minimum amount of water that should be used is 1 pint per inch of tree diameter but you may use 1 quart -1 gallon of water per inch as well. Denser soils such as clay do not accept water as readily, so the lower volume of water is suggested.  Since sandy soils can accept more water, using the higher volume of water is preferred.

Answer last updated on: 11/21/2009

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