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Kelly writes

How does Cyonara Granules compare to Advance Carpenter Bait?

I have purchased the Advance bait before but we have a major situation and just can't afford to purchase enough of the Advance to take care of it. I was thinking of getting the Cyonara granules because of the coverage. What do you suggest?


Cyonara LP Granules is actually an insecticide granule, not a bait granule like the Advance Carpenter Bait Granule. Insecticde granules only work after they have been watered into the grass and will only kill those foraging ants that come in contact with the treated area, and it will not effect the ants that are back in the nesting site. Please let us know what type of area you are treating and how large the area is.

Answer last updated on: 05/18/2010

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Cyonara LP Granules - 25 Lbs.

Cyonara LP Granules - 25 Lbs.

3.5 out of 5 stars


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