Product Q&A

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Duane from Cincinnati, Oh writes

How does the Protecta RTU Mouse Bait Station work?

Does it kill the mice or just trap them?


The Protecta RTU Mouse Bait Station are plastic bait stations that house rodent bait. Mice will go inside of the trap, consume the bait and go elsewhere to die. Be mindful that these statins come empty. The bait inside of the bait station in the photo is a size reference. We generally recommend using Contrac Blox with the bait stations. This bait does have an antidote associated with it that is available at your vet in case a non-target animal comes in contact with it.  Please take a look at our Rodent Guide for tips on how to treat and prevent rodents in the future. 

Answer last updated on: 08/06/2017

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