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Garett from Lebanon, Oregon writes

How much Brandt Indicate 5 does a gallon of water pesticide mixture typically use?

I'm trying to decide if I should buy a quart or a gallon of Brandt Indicate 5. My tap water is about 8ph. I don't need an exact answer I'm just curious how much a person typically uses for a gallon of water and pesticide mixture? Half a bottle? A shot glass full? A cap full? A few drops? I can't find this answer anywhere on the internet.


There is no exact mix rate of the label for Brandt Indicate 5.  This is because the pH of your water is what determines how product is used.  Per the product label:  "Fill tank 2/3 full of water. Add desired amount of INDICATE 5 or until solution turns pink for a pH between 4.5 - 5.5. Fill tank with balance of fertilizer or water Add other chemicals. Agitate adequately to mix. If the tank solution turns clear upon the addition of the remaining chemicals and remaining water, add additional Brandt Indicate 5 until tank mix solution turns pink."

Answer last updated on: 03/28/2017

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Brandt Indicate 5

Brandt Indicate 5

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