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Heather from Austin Tx writes

How much Demon Max is needed to treat x amount of square feet?

I am just wondering how much to order. I have decks and back up to a large vegetation on a veloway. How often do I need to treat etc. that will help me determine how much to order. Thanks


Barrier Treatment for Pests around Structures:
Apply Demon Max as a 0.1% emulsion (1/2 fl oz per gallon of water) to a band of soil and
vegetation 6-10 ft. wide around and adjacent to the structure. Also, treat the foundation of the structure to a height of 2-3 ft. Use a treatment volume of 2-10 gal. per 1000 sq. ft.
Higher volumes of water may be needed if mulch or leaf litter is present or dense foliage exists. House siding may be treated if boxelder bugs, elm leaf beetles, earwigs, silverfish
or other similar pests are present. Reapply every 1-3 months as pest pressure builds back up.

Answer last updated on: 02/19/2013

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