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Wayne from Aliquippa ,pa. writes

How much Endrun per gallon do you mix? I typically spray about 20 gal

I typically spray 20 gallons / acre for weed killer. I have a 200 gallon tank


Like most herbicides, there is not a specific amount of Endrun needed per gallon of water. Your goal with herbicides is to get the recommended amount of product over the area to be treated. In this case the product label says you should use 1.8 pints - 4.0 pints of Endrun per acre (the actual amount you use will depend on the grasses you are treating) using 5-75 gallons of water. The actual amount of water you use is not very important as water is just the carrier. It is very important to make sure you are applying the correct amount of product over the area to be treated. Some grasses are more sensitive than others and the Endrun product label does give special instructions for those grasses so we do recommend that you read the product label completely before using the product.

Answer last updated on: 08/06/2011

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