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Floyd from Eatonton, Ga writes

Is Fame a good solution for zoysia patch (diagonosed by my county agent) in emerald zoysia?

I alternate Cleary 3336 and Daconil with either Heritage or Pillar G applying approximately every 2 weeks. Since these chemicals are not working what should I try? Do you think Fame granular fungicide might be better than the Heritage and Pillar G?


Eagle 20EW is a great option for use on your lawn. It is labeled for zoysia patch as well. When using fungicides, it is recommended that you switch the products up every other application to ensure that your lawn does not become resistant to these products. Fame Granular Fungicide would be a good option to add to your rotation of products as well.

Answer last updated on: 05/07/2017

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Fame Granular Fungicide

Fame Granular Fungicide

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